Welcome to the
Wounds Research Directory

Wounds Research Directory (WRD) provides a comprehensive searchable directory that identifies researchers and research in Australia that is available or is being undertaken in the wounds arena. The directory is open access and available to all health professionals, consumers, students and other interested stakeholders. Researchers are invited to apply to have their research and contact information published in the directory.

For further information, please follow the menu items at the top of the page.

If you would like to have your research and details included in the directory, please select Submit Your Research in the top menu. 

Wounds Research Directory

Explore the various topics in our research directory.

WRD Partners

Wounds Australia

Wounds Australia is the peak national body for the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and healing of wounds. Wounds Australia offers a range of information, training, education and support specifically focussed on ensuring the best possible health outcomes for those living with wounds. We do this through advocacy, education and activities that assists our members, wound care health professionals, to provide the highest quality, best practice care and treatment. 


AHRA facilitates the integration of healthcare, health and medical research, and health professional education to deliver better health outcomes for all Australians. Our members comprise seven accredited Advanced Health Research and Translation Centres and three Centres for Innovation in Regional Health.

Health Translation QLD

Health Translation Queensland (HTQ) brings together Queensland's major health research, education, and healthcare organisations to partner in health care improvement. HTQ partners work collaboratively to accelerate the translation of research and evidence into education and healthcare practices, with the aim of tackling some of the biggest and most pressing health challenges facing Queensland communities.

Click here to visit the website

Health Translation SA

Health Translation SA aims to accelerate research findings into healthcare practice and policy and increase whole-of-system research translation capacity to improve the health of all South Australians.

Click here to visit the website